BioEcoAgro Mixed Cross-Border Research Unit


Four supervisory Institutions manage the Mixed Cross-Border Research Unit (UMR): University of Lille, University of LiĂšge, the University of Picardie Jules Verne and INRAE. By separate agreement, the University of Lille will represent UniversitĂ© du Littoral CĂŽte d’Opale, Artois University and Junia.

The UMR is structured in 9 teams grouped in 3 clusters. Four intersections are also proposed, plus an international coordination.

  • Cluster 1: Innovative cropping systems for agro-ecological and bioeconomic transition in the context of climate change
  • Cluster 2: Biomolecules of plant and microbial origin : from identification to production
  • Cluster 3: Formulation - quality and food safety nutrition - health